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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - lift


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~1 v 1 »MOVE STH WITH YOUR HANDS« to take something in your hands and raise it, move it, or carry it somewhere  (He tried to lift the sleeping girl, but she was too heavy. | lift sth onto/out of/off etc)  (I lifted down my suitcase and opened it.)  (- see raise1) 2 »RAISE« also lift up to move something upwards, into the air, or to move upwards into the air  (He lifted both hands in a gesture of despair. | At high speeds the front of the boat would lift out of the water.) 3 »HEAD/EYES« to move your head or eyes upwards so that you can look at someone or something  (Brig lifted his head as the others came into the room. | She lifted her gaze from her book for a minute.) 4 »CONTROLS/LAWS« to remove a rule or a law that says that something is not allowed  (the lifting of sanctions) 5 »CLOUDS/MIST« if cloud or mist lifts, it disappears 6 »BY PLANE« to take people or things to or from a place by aircraft  (More troops are being lifted into the area as the fighting spreads.) 7 not lift a finger informal to do nothing to help 8 lift sb's spirits to make someone feel more cheerful and hopeful 9 »SAD FEELINGS« if feelings of sadness lift, they disappear  (Jan's depression seemed to be lifting at last.) 10 »USE SB'S IDEAS/WORDS« to copy words, ideas, music etc that someone else has written  (The words were lifted from an article in a medical journal.) 11 »STEAL« informal to steal something 12 »VOICE« also lift up literary if you lift your voice, you speak, shout, or sing more loudly 13 »INCREASE« to increase the amount or level of something  (This policy lifted Canadian exports of wheat and flour.) 14 »VEGETABLES« to dig up vegetables that grow under the ground  (lifting potatoes) lift off phr v if an aircraft or space vehicle lifts off, it leaves the ground and rises into the air ~2 n 1 »IN A BUILDING« BrE a machine that you can ride in, that moves up and down between the floors in a tall building; elevator (1) AmE  (She pressed the button to call the lift. | take the lift)  (They took the lift down to the bar.) 2 »IN A CAR« BrE if you give someone a lift, you take them somewhere in your car; ride2 (1) AmE  (Do you want a lift into town? | give sb a lift)  (I'll give you a lift back to London.) 3 »MAKE SB HAPPIER« give sb a lift to make someone feel more cheerful and more hopeful 4 »LIFTING MOVEMENT« a movement in which something is lifted or raised up  (the gentle lift and sway of the dinghy) 5 »WIND/AIRCRAFT« the pressure of air that keeps something up in the air or lifts it higher  (- see also chairlift, ski lift)
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  (lifts, lifting, lifted) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you lift something, you move it to another position, especially upwards. The Colonel lifted the phone and dialed his superior... She lifted the last of her drink to her lips. VERB: V n, V n prep/adv • Lift up means the same as lift. She put her arms around him and lifted him up... Curious shoppers lifted up their children to take a closer look at the parade. PHRASAL VERB: V n P, V P n (not pron) 2. If you lift a part of your body, you move it to a higher position. Amy lifted her arm to wave. ‘Goodbye,’ she called... She lifted her foot and squashed the wasp into the ground. = raise VERB: V n, V n • Lift up means the same as lift. Tom took his seat again and lifted his feet up on to the railing... The boys lifted up their legs, indicating they wanted to climb in. PHRASAL VERB: V n P, V P n (not pron) 3. If you lift your eyes or your head, you look up, for example when you have been reading and someone comes into the room. When he finished he lifted his eyes and looked out the window. = raise VERB: V n 4. If people in authority lift a law or rule that prevents people from doing something, they end it. The European Commission has urged France to lift its ban on imports of British beef. VERB: V n 5. If something lifts your spirits or your mood, or if they lift, you start feeling more cheerful. He used his incredible sense of humour to lift my spirits... As soon as she heard the telephone ring her spirits lifted. VERB: V n, V 6. If something gives you a lift, it gives you a feeling of greater confidence, energy, or enthusiasm. (INFORMAL) My selection for the team has given me a tremendous lift. = boost N-SING: usu a N 7. A lift is a device that carries people or goods up and down inside tall buildings. (BRIT; in AM, use elevator) They took the lift to the fourth floor. N-COUNT 8. If you give someone a lift somewhere, you take them there in your car...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English lyft  Date: before 12th century chiefly Scottish heavens, sky  II. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old Norse lypta; akin to Old English lyft air — more at loft  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to raise from a lower to a higher position ; elevate  b. to raise in rank or condition  c. to raise in rate or amount  2. to put an end to (a blockade or siege) by withdrawing or causing the withdrawal of investing forces  3. revoke, rescind ~ an embargo  4.  a. steal had her purse ~ed  b. plagiarize  c. to take out of normal setting ~ a word out of context  5. to take up (as a root crop or transplants) from the ground  6. to pay off (an obligation) ~ a mortgage  7. to move from one place to another (as by aircraft) ; transport  8. to take up (a fingerprint) from a surface  intransitive verb  1.  a. ascend, rise the rocket ~ed off  b. to appear elevated (as above surrounding objects)  2. of inclement weather to dissipate and clear  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun Synonyms:  ~, raise, rear, elevate, hoist, heave, boost mean to move from a lower to a higher place or position. ~ usually implies exerting effort to overcome resistance of weight ~ the chair while I vacuum. raise carries a stronger implication of bringing up to the vertical or to a high position scouts raising a flagpole. rear may add an element of suddenness to raise suddenly reared itself up on its hind legs. elevate may replace ~ or raise especially when exalting or enhancing is implied elevated the taste of the public. hoist implies ~ing something heavy especially by mechanical means hoisted the cargo on board. heave implies ~ing and throwing with great effort or strain heaved the heavy crate inside. boost suggests assisting to climb or advance by a push boosted his brother over the fence.  III. noun  Date: 14th century  1. the amount that may be ~ed at one time ; load  2.  a. the action or an instance of ~ing  b. the action or an instance of rising...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by up, off, out, etc.) raise or remove to a higher position. 2 intr. go up; be raised; yield to an upward force (the window will not lift). 3 tr. give an upward direction to (the eyes or face). 4 tr. a elevate to a higher plane of thought or feeling (the news lifted their spirits). b make less heavy or dull; add interest to (something esp. artistic). c enhance, improve (lifted their game after half-time). 5 intr. (of a cloud, fog, etc.) rise, disperse. 6 tr. remove (a barrier or restriction). 7 tr. transport supplies, troops, etc. by air. 8 tr. colloq. a steal. b plagiarize (a passage of writing etc.). 9 Phonet. a tr. make louder; raise the pitch of. b intr. (of the voice) rise. 10 tr. dig up (esp. potatoes etc. at harvest). 11 intr. (of a floor) swell upwards, bulge. 12 tr. hold or have on high (the church lifts its spire). 13 tr. hit (a cricket-ball) into the air. 14 tr. (usu. in passive) perform cosmetic surgery on (esp. the face or breasts) to reduce sagging. --n. 1 the act of lifting or process of being lifted. 2 a free ride in another person's vehicle (gave them a lift). 3 a Brit. a platform or compartment housed in a shaft for raising and lowering persons or things to different floors of a building or different levels of a mine etc. b a similar apparatus for carrying persons up or down a mountain etc. (see ski-lift). 4 a transport by air (see AIRLIFT n.). b a quantity of goods transported by air. 5 the upward pressure which air exerts on an aerofoil to counteract the force of gravity. 6 a supporting or elevating influence; a feeling of elation. 7 a layer of leather in the heel of a boot or shoe, esp. to correct shortening of a leg or increase height. 8 a a rise in the level of the ground. b the extent to which water rises in a canal lock. Phrases and idioms lift down pick up and bring to a lower position. lift a finger (or hand etc.) (in neg.) make the slightest effort (didn't lift a finger to help). lift off (of a spacecraft or rocket) rise from the launching pad. lift-off n. the...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) подъём поднимать(ся) 2) гидро- или аэродинамическая подъёмная сила 3) подъёмная машина; подъёмник, лифт 4) горн. этаж; горизонт 5) горн. слой (при слоевой выемке с закладкой) 6) горн. расстояние между горизонтами по вертикали 7) высота подъёма (воды); напор (воды); высота нагнетания (насоса) 8) подъёмник (для продукции скважины) 9) механизированная добыча (нефти) 10) слой бетона или раствора (укладывавмый за один приём) 11) верхняя опока 12) вспучиваться 13) штабель кирпича (в печи для обжига) 14) величина отрыва электрода (от изделия) 15) воздушная перевозка 16) количество груза, перевозимое за один рейс 17) транспортировать (напр. с помощью эрлифта) 18) тлв защитный интервал 19) стопа или пачка бумаги, обрабатываемая за один приём to lift off — отрываться от земли (при взлёте) - actual lift - aerodynamic lift - air lift - apparent lift - artificial lift - artificial gas lift - attended goods lift - auxiliary lift - body lift - boom lift - bottom lift - bulk coin lift - car lift - chair lift - chamber gas lift - circulation lift - combination lift - compressor lift - concentric-string lift - concrete lift - continuous gas lift - cushion lift - dead lift - delivery lift - dual-string lift - dynamic lift - electric lift - express lift - fish lift - floor lift - flow lift - fork lift - freight lift - gas lift - gas-air lift - gas-liquid lift - gasoline suction lift - goods lift - hand-worked lift - helicopter lift - hightail lift - hydraulic lift - hydropacker...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  брит.лифт, подъёмник подъём; высота подъёма высота шлюзования слой бетонирования, высота слоя бетона, уложенного за смену выпучивание, выпор (грунта) мн.ч.яруса строительных лесов напор (воды), высота нагнетания (насоса) ход (поршня, клапана) подъёмная сила; выталкивающая сила attended lift ballast lift boom lift canal lift chair lift concreting lift fire lift fish lift fork lift goods lift home lift hydraulic lift passenger lift pour lift pump lift ram lift self-service lift shallow lift suction lift telescopic shaft lift thermal lift topping lift traction lift truck lift vacuum gauge suction lift valve lift ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  подъемное устройство, лифт – minuature lift ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) лифт 2) механизм подъема 3) нагнетательный 4) физ. несомость 5) поднимать 6) подъем 7) подъемник 8) сила подъемная 9) топенант 10) транспортирующий degree of valve lift — высота подъема клапана differential lift manometer — тех. манометр дифференциальный лифтовой hydraulic lift cylinder — цилиндр гидроподъемника hydraulic lift header — жатка с гидравлическим подъемом hydraulic lift system — гидросистема навесного устройства lift airplane off ground — отрывать самолет от земли lift off the cover — снимать крышку main lift rotor — несущий винт вертолета plow lift clutch — с.-х. автомат выглубления, автомат подъема плуга table lift ram — цилиндр подъема жатки vertical lift gate — подъемные шлюзные ворота - chair lift - complete lift - diagonal lift - fork lift - hook lift - horizontal lift - hydrostatic lift - lift a core - lift capacity - lift center - lift clutch - lift coefficient - lift cylinder - lift gate - lift limiter - lift margin - lift of jack - lift of pump - lift pump - lift restrictions - lift shutters - lift slope - lift truck - natural lift - natural-pressure gas lift - needle lift - passenger lift - rack lift - ratchet lift - suction lift - tractor lift - valve lift - vertical lift ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. подъем, повышение 2. гл. 1) поднимать(ся) 2) повышать 3) снимать (запрещение) 4) грузить 5) амер. ликвидировать задолженность - lift restrictions - lift the administrative obstacles ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. поднятие, подъем lift of a hand —- поднятие руки to give smth. a lift —- поднять что-л. 2. подъем, воодушевление a lift in feeling —- подъем чувств 3. тех. движение вверх; ход вверх (клапана, поршня) 4. повышение, продвижение a great lift in one's career —- большое продвижение по службе 5. возвышенность, высокое место 6. разг. кража 7. подъемник, лифт; подъемная машина lift operator —- лифтер 8. стр. клетка (люлька) подъемника 9. физ. подъемная сила 10. воен. перенос огня 11. поднятие (тяжелая атлетика, борьба) 12. подъем партнерши (фигурное катание) 13. посыл мяча в воздух (крикет) 14. поддержка (в балете) 15. преим. воен. воздушный мост 16. набойка (на каблуке) 17. гидр. водяной столб; высота напора; высота всасывания Id: dead lift —- чрезмерное, напрасное усилие (при подъеме); сложное дело, требующее напряжения всех сил Id: to give smb. a lift —- подсадить кого-л., подвезти кого-л.; помочь кому-л., оказать кому-л. услугу 18. поднимать to lift a child over a ditch —- перенести ребенка через канаву to lift the child up on one's shoulder —- посадить ребенка на плечо to lift (up) one's eyes —- поднять глаза, взглянуть вверх to lift (up) one's head —- поднять голову; воспрянуть духом; прийти в себя; выситься (о горах, высоких зданиях) to lift the heels —- отрывать пятки (тяжелая...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  off стартовать (о космическом корабле); What time does the spaceship lift off? LIFT up ones voice заговорить LIFT up воодушевлять; This sunshine should lift up your spirits a little. LIFT  1. noun  1) поднятие, подъем  2) воодушевление, подъем  3) повышение, продвижение  4) возвышенность  5) подъемная машина, подъемник, лифт  6) подъемная сила; поднимаемая тяжесть  7) coll. кража  8) scot. вынос тела  9) hydr. водяной столб; высота напора  10) sport поднятие (тяжелая атлетика, борьба)  11) подъем партнерши (в балете, фигурном катании) to give smb. a lift -  а) подсадить, подвезти кого-л.;  б) помочь кому-л.  2. v.  1) поднимать; возвышать; to lift ones hand against smb. - поднять руку на кого-л.; to lift up ones head -  а) поднять голову;  б) прийти в себя; to lift (up) ones voice against - протестовать против; not to lift a finger - и пальцем не пошевельнуть  2) воодушевлять  3) повышать, давать повышение (по службе)  4) подниматься (тж. о тесте); подниматься на волнах (о корабле)  5) рассеиваться (об облаках, тумане)  6) снимать (палатки; fig. запрет, карантин и т.п.); to lift a minefield - разминировать минное поле  7) coll. красть; совершать плагиат  8) amer. ликвидировать задолженность, уплатить долги  9) собирать, снимать (урожай); копать (картофель)  10) делать пластическую...
Англо-русский словарь
  gen. comp. abbr. License Information For Trading non-prof. org. abbr. Lifting In Faith Together non-prof. org. abbr. Lifestyle Improvement For Today non-prof. org. abbr. Lapeer Investing in Families Together educ. abbr. Learning Information For Today educ. abbr. Learning Is Fun Too educ. abbr. Learning Incentives For The Talented religion abbr. Lutheran Internet Fellowship Talk religion abbr. Labor In Faith And Trust religion abbr. Ladies In Fellowship Together religion abbr. Living In Faith Together gen. bus. abbr. Labor Intensive Factory Tools account. abbr. Local Improvement Finance Trust ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1200, from O.N. lypta "to raise," from P.Gmc. *luftijan, from root of O.E. lyft "heaven, air" (see loft). The sense in shop-lift is first recorded 1526. Meaning "help given to a pedestrian by taking him into a vehicle" is from 1712. Liftoff is 1956 in Amer.Eng. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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